Supporting airspace developments and catering for new needs in order to continue to ensure the safety of air traffic are also an integral part of skeyes’ mission. Whether for new players such as drones or for new technologies such as digital towers, skeyes continues to take the lead in innovation to be ready to meet the new challenges of digital airspace management.
The use of airspace is rapidly changing with the continued expansion of the sector of drones or unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Operating in very varied environments - particularly urban environments - depending on their use or mission, drones represent a very buoyant sector from an economic point of view but one that is also very promising for other uses, particularly medical, because they enable very rapid transportation that is not dependent on road traffic, which is often heavy. The volume of drone flights rose sharply in 2023. This type of traffic is really going to take off in the coming years, in particular due to the provision of U-space services for which skeyes has been appointed as Common Information Service Provider (CISP).
drone flights were authorised via the Drone Service Application (DSA) in 2023.
These authorisations concerned drone flights in skeyes-managed CTRs as well as in the Kortrijk RMZ
increase in the number of drone flight authorisations compared to 2022
increase in the number of SPECIFIC (complex missions) drone flight authorisations issued in 2023 compared to 2022.