


In line with a
sustainable future

The ongoing digital revolution affects almost every aspect of our lives. The aviation industry is not immune to these developments and skeyes is fully participating in this change. More and more tasks are now being automated, creating other needs and requiring new skills. To ensure the company’s digital transition and development, skeyes provides training to its staff and concerns itself with skills retention and personnel well-being within a healthy working environment. skeyes is a company operating in line with a sustainable future and its actions and management prioritise people and protection of their environment.

A future aligned with people

Number of employees as at 31/12






new employees were hired in 2023.

Training to drive


days of training were received by skeyes operational staff in 2023.

Training is organised in collaboration with skeyes subsidiary Entry Point North Belgium (EPNB).


air traffic control simulation sessions were organised.


courses on the human factor in air traffic control were completed by operational staff.


ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel) employees have been trained and have joined the CISM peers team

the structural psychological support available to air traffic controllers and members of the operational services, which was extended in 2022 to members of the technical (ATSEP) and IT services.


coaching sessions were delivered to ATCO students by experienced colleagues alongside their air traffic controller training programme, with Belgian Defence also participating.


training courses on systems and equipment were provided to technical staff (ATSEP) via skeyes’ subsidiary, EPNB.

The milestones
of a new turning point



= has elapsed since skeyes’ Executive Committee was reinforced with 2 new key positions: Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO).

These two new responsibilities are increasingly essential for skeyes to pursue its digital transformation and continue its transformation into one of the most effective companies in terms of environmental and social issues.

25/5 y

skeyes celebrated the 5th anniversary of its new name as well as its 25th birthday as an autonomous public company.

Contributing to the development
of wind energy

skeyes’ mission is the safety of air traffic. It therefore also ensures that any interference between wind turbines and monitoring and navigation systems is kept to a minimum. skeyes is therefore directly contributing to the safe installation of this green energy generating capacity.

skeyes’ innovation programme is enabling the deployment of new technologies – such as satellite navigation or multilateration – that do not create interference with wind turbines. skeyes is also rationalising its radars, in partnership with Belgian Defence, to expand the scope of development for wind energy.

additional image
applications were submitted to skeyes for the construction of new wind turbines during 2023.

have already been approved by skeyes as at 31 December 2023.


of airport navigation beacons can be dismantled once PBN (Performance Based Navigation) satellite navigation procedures are effective. This is already the case in Liege, which has become the first “full PBN” airport environment.

C’est déjà le cas à Liège qui est devenu le premier environnement aéroportuaire « full PBN ».

Recycling, mobilising, and reusing
to reduce the ecological footprint


of the company’s total vehicle fleet consists of green vehicles (electric, hybrid and CNG).


of the company’s total vehicle fleet consists of electric vehicles.

skeyes has a proactive policy for the environmental management of its buildings. The new construction materials used by the company not only save energy through better insulation but are also reusable after disassembly. This makes it possible to meet the company’s needs in terms of flexibility of its spaces without generating construction waste.


air conditioning systems have been replaced by energy recovery systems.


light fittings have been replaced by LED systems with much greater energy efficiency.

Encouraging soft mobility

skeyes also encourages soft mobility among its employees.


electric bike charging stations are now available at the Steenokkerzeel site.


members of skeyes’ staff use a bike or electric bike to get to work.

Promoting diversity and inclusion

Both aviation in general and air traffic control still have a very masculine image. To help break down this outdated cliché, skeyes has decided to orientate its HR policy towards encouraging more women to learn about and enter this exciting sector that offers countless stimulating and rewarding career opportunities regardless of gender. skeyes has used its messaging to highlight its female talents, has promoted leadership roles for women within the company and has invested in creating content in which women are showcased.

Focused on customers and users

The changes transforming the aviation sector also herald new requirements for our customers and users. To identify them correctly, skeyes conducted a major satisfaction survey of users in 2023. It is also working on a stable, continuous and extensive solution both in terms of the data and information to be collected from users and the implementation of continual two-way communication. This is why skeyes launched its “Customer Portal” platform in 2023. Through this platform, our customers can find all the information they need about the services provided by skeyes, its activities and updates on strategic projects.