number of flights managed by skeyes
growth in air traffic compared to 2022 (number of flights)
Air traffic in 2023 reached 88% of air traffic in 2019 before the outbreak of the health crisis
Despite a slowdown due to the economic situation, freight transport volumes are generally increasing and cargo traffic is still doing well in Belgium as it is up significantly compared to 2019.
skeyes’ safety performance was its 3rd best ever.
of flights were managed in a punctual manner by skeyes in 2023.
= 7.8 seconds average en-route delay per flight
= 5.4 seconds average en-route delay per flight
C’est l’objectif de performance en ponctualité en route inscrit dans le plan de performance du FABEC et assigné à skeyes.
Performance effective de skeyes en ponctualité en route toutes causes confondues.
Objectif atteint pour skeyes qui a contribué positivement à la performance en matière de ponctualité du FABEC, le bloc d’espace aérien fonctionnel regroupant la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, le Luxembourg, l’Allemagne, la France et la Suisse et devant répondre à des objectifs de performances européens fixés dans le cadre du Ciel unique européen.
= 64,8 seconds
Average arrival delay target for all causes assigned to skeyes for Brussels Airport and included in the FABEC performance plan.
= 25,8 seconds average delay per flight on arrival at Brussels Airport for all causes.
Effective punctuality performance of skeyes at Brussels Airport
= 2,4 seconds
million €
million €
In accordance with regulations, for 2023, invoicing was based on the rate proposed in the latest draft performance plan submitted in 2022.
€ 113.12 unit rate charged by skeyes for an en-route service unit in the airspace for which it is responsible For En-route traffic, the fees are in proportion to the distance travelled and the square root of an aircraft’s mass. A service unit corresponds to the control of an aircraft of 50 tonnes over 100 kilometres.
number of employees as at 31 December 2023.
new employees were hired in 2023.
new air traffic controllers completed their training and commenced employment in 2022.
aspiring air traffic controllers started their training in 2023.
The special activities coordinated by the SPACC unit include flights to calibrate ground-based air navigation infrastructure, photo and video flights (e.g. during major sports events), thermal-imaging flights as well as fireworks. The number of special activities also includes some drone flights that require SPACC handling. The majority of drone flights are coordinated automatically by the Drone Service Application (DSA).
Notams produced by the skeyes Brussels Notam Office
Notam (Notice to Airmen) are messages published for the purpose of notifying pilots of changes in airspace and on the ground.
flight plans processed by the Brussels ARO (ATS Reporting Office)
Preflight Information Bulletins were requested via the skeyes operational web application. These bulletins contain all flight-specific aeronautical and weather information.
weather briefings were given to the Airport Inspection department of Brussels Airport Company
forecast bulletins, alerts, weather warnings and briefings were distributed by the skeyes weather service
number of special activity requests handled by the skeyes SPACC (Special Activities Coordination Cell) unit
drone flights were authorised via the Drone Service Application (DSA) in 2023.
These authorisations concerned drone flights in skeyes-managed CTRs as well as in the Kortrijk RMZ
increase in the number of drone flight authorisations compared to 2022